
Women Empowerment, Financial Sustainability.
Angels of the Amazon has provided the local communities of the Tahuayo River with several sustainable economic initiatives such as the “Asociacion de Artesanos Manos Amazonicas.” Organized by Dolly Beaver, this cooperative supports the local women of the villages in creating traditional arts and crafts while still using renewable resources such as (Astrocaryum chambira) palm fibers in their work. Since the baskets are woven by the local women, their economic empowerment has helped them find a voice in their communities thus uplifting their self-esteem and self-worth in their villages and in their homes.
Keeping Artistic Traditions Alive, and Creating a Viable Marketplace

While keeping their artistic traditions alive with the production of these baskets, the women artisans are able to generate a much needed sustainable economy for their villages. With the help of tourism provided by Amazonia Expeditions, the women’s cooperative, now has a viable market place in their local villages.
Artisania Store

The Association of Artisans “Manos Amazonicas” from El Chino, Tahuayo River, Peru was created by AoA and has been assisted by the foundation in many ways, including the construction of a building for their use. This group of exceptional women has used their art of weaving to generate income to support their families, empowering them to have a stronger voice in their community. Their artwork is made from natural materials sustainably harvested from the rainforest.
Through their work, they promote environmental conservation and preserve traditional culture. Before the pandemic, the women sold their goods to the tourists who came to visit Amazonia’s ecolodge on the Tahuayo. During the pandemic, the absence of tourism threatened this important part of their finances. To help support the women, AoA stepped up and bought thousands of dollars of arts and crafts. These beautiful items are now on sale on our online store. If you wish to own some of this great work and support the women of the communities, please look forward to shopping on AoA’s website in the near future!
Providing Training to Promote Conservation
Another important economic initiative of AoA is to train and hire local villagers to act as conservation assistants to the Area de Conservacion Regional Comunal de Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo, the most mega-diverse region in the entire Amazon. The locals are then paid by contributions by Amazonia Expeditions to maintain the trail grid and to provide a continuing census of wildlife populations.